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      Networked Mobility
      Safe, convenient and efficient thanks to holistic connectivity, intelligent server architecture and high-performance computing.

      Technology Highlights

      Mobility is one of the most important human needs and a healthy mobility ecosystem is the driving force behind society, the economy and the entire world. Continental products and services demonstrate the role the technology company is playing in the development of safe, convenient and efficient solutions in the mobility ecosystem. Based on the pillars of connectivity, data and high-performance computing we will show here some of the latest innovations and technologies.

      Vernetzte Mobilität | Networked Mobility
      5G Technology
      The new mobile network standard 5G will enable completely new functions in the vehicle and will pave the way for future mobility and automated driving.

      Find out more about the new functions of 5G connectivity in the vehicle and beyond. 

      Cockpit of the Future
      Continental brings the third dimension of the highest quality into the vehicle.

      Find out more about the Cockpit of tomorrow.

      Advanced Antenna Electronics
      We offer the full range of antenna electronics for seamless connectivity solutions.

      Find out more about intelligent antenna modules of Continental.

      High-Performance Computer
      Services, driving functions and infotainment: The vehicle is becoming a mobile data center.

      Find out more about High-Performance Computer and the trends of the vehicle's E/E architecture in the future.

      Cyber Security
      Only secure mobility is intelligent mobility: automotive cyber security solutions and services.

      Find out more about the topic Cyber Security.

      V2X Communication
      V2X communication in real-time is an important building block towards Highly Automated Driving.

      Find out more about V2X communication for real time information exchange between vehicles, the infrastructure and the cloud.