Become An Ambassador
Being an ambassador of the #SafelyThere campaign is easy.
First, read through the "How To" information below to understand how you can get involved.
Then, get started by downloading the Ambassador Kit and sharing your #SafelyThere stories!
How To Get Involved
We’d love to hear from you! Tell us of a time when automotive technology potentially saved your life, or the life of someone you love.Post your experience on your personal social media accounts using the hashtag #SafelyThere.
Helpful tips
- Name the technology. A large focus of this campaign is educating the public and helping to alleviate confusion in the market.\
- Personalize it! Include a picture of yourself, your family, or your car. This personalizes the story and helps to beat social media algorithms, meaning your friends are more likely to see your post.
- Link to learn more. This is especially helpful for the more confusing technologies, like lane departure warning or lane keeping assist. If it feels natural, add a link to more information.
Review the key statistics in the Ambassador Kit and share them with your social network. Consider pairing them with a personal experience or message. Many crashes are avoidable – our goal is to educate the public and show them how each technology contributes to Vision Zero.
Helpful tips
- Share information. Be sure to tag the source of the statistic.
- Tag Continental USA! Mention our Facebook or Twitter accounts.
- Use hashtags. Join the conversation by using #SafelyThere #VisionZero.
- Link to learn more. Whether you are talking about a particular technology or the overall campaign, you can link back to this site for your followers to learn more.
Our partner organizations work hard to research new technology and spread the message of safety first. Follow our partners, engage with their content, and credit their statistics when sharing on social media.