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      Swimathon 2017

      Am facut din nou valuri @Swimathon

      Swimathon este o platform de strangere de fonduri, deghizata sub forma unei competitii de inot, menita sa sustina cause sociale din comunitatea locala, in 2017 fiind la cea de-a sasea editie.

      Luna iunie a fost o luna plina de evenimente dedicate strangerii de fonduri pentru cauza aleasa – Excelenta in Educatie: donatorii au jucat poker, au vizionat un film, au luat micul dejun ce a fost gatit cu drag de catre colegii nostri si s-au mentinut sanatosi cu fructe, ceai si limonada.

      Doua echipe din Continental Iasi au inotat anul acesta la Swimatho, echipe formate din 12 colegi: Leon Protaila, Dragos Ardeleanu, Razvan Pantelimon, Serghei Plamadeala, Vadim Sajin, Adrian Grosan, Gabriel Neamtu, Constantin Isachioaea, Andrei Niagu, Daniel Irimia, Lucian Popa, Sergiu Mihaliuc.

      Pe 1 iulie, echipele Continental Swim 1 si 2 au inotat impreuna 93 de ture de piscina olimpica in 50 de minute. Toate eforturile si initiativele de fonduri au fost facute pentru a sprijini excelenta in educatie, ajutand in felul acesta 4 elevi cu rezultate deosebite, dar cu posibilitati financiare foarte reduse. Cei 9454 RON colectati, au fost donati Fondului de burse din cadrul Fundatiei Comunitare Iasi si vor fi transformati in 4 burse pe perioada unui an scolar.

      Multe multumiri inotatorilor si voluntarilor pentru eforturile depuse inainte de eveniment si in timpul competitiei de inot, precum si sustinatorilor prezenti la eveniment si tuturor donatorilor care au contribuit la strangerea fondurilor necesare pentru cele patru burse de studiu.


      We made waves again at Swimathon!

      Swimathon is a fundraising platform, disguised as a swimming competition, meant to support causes in the local community. In 2017 Swimathon was at its 6th edition.

      The month of June was a busy month filled with events dedicated to raising money for the chosen cause, excellence in education: the donators played poker, watched a movie, had breakfast cooked by our colleagues and stayed healthy with fruits, tea and lemonade.

      This year, two teams swam at the event formed by 12 of our colleagues: Leon Protaila, Dragos Ardeleanu, Razvan Pantelimon, Serghei Plamadeala, Vadim Sajin, Adrian Grosan, Gabriel Neamtu, Constantin Isachioaea, Andrei Niagu, Daniel Irimia, Lucian Popa, Sergiu Mihaliuc.

      On 1st of July, Continental Swim Team 1 and 2 swam together 93 laps of Olympic swimming pool in 50 minutes. All their efforts and fund raising initiatives were made in order to support excellence in education, by helping 4 students with great result but with few financial possibilities. The 9454 RON gathered have been donated to the Scholarship Fund from Iasi Community Foundation and will be transformed into 4 one year scholarships.

      Many thanks to the swimmers and volunteers for their efforts before the event and during the swimming competition and also the supporters present at the event and the donators who helped raise the necessary funds for the four scholarships.