A Continental employee hands over a key to his colleague as a symbol of trust.


We earn the trust we give.

Trust is the basis for everything we do and the prerequisite for our success. Without trust, there is no constructive teamwork. That is why we trust ourselves and we place our trust in others. We keep our promises – to all of our employees, business partners and all other stakeholders of Continental.

We are aware that trust is hard to gain and can be easily destroyed. That is why we, at all times, justify the trust that has been placed in us.

As their partner and reliable supporter for all our stakeholders, we help them develop and grow – at the same time becoming stronger ourselves. We put ourselves in their position and think about what is important to them now and in the future. We listen to what they say and notice what they do not say. We free their path of obstacles. We acknowledge the performance of our employees, including their collective and individual successes. A breach of trust weakens us, which is why we will not tolerate it.

The way to set an example can be described and recognized as follows:

  • Confidence in oneself and in others
    We empower our employees and put them in charge early on in their careers.
  • Stakeholder orientation
    We establish and foster sustainable relationships with our stakeholders, such as customers, employees, investors, business partners, politicians and society.
  • Openness
    We communicate openly and offer support to each other.
  • Integrity/reliability
    We are role models for each other, keep our promises, value integrity, obey all applicable legal requirements and internal regulations, and have an authentic hands-on approach.
  • Empathy
    We put ourselves in the position of our stakeholders to understand what is important to them.
  • Respect
    We trust and respect each other.