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      Heartbeat Stories

      Your heartbeat is our heartbeat – your Heartbeat Story is our Heartbeat Story

      When Angelika Kohns, Communications Manager at Continental, and Marina Flores Zárate, Software Release Coordinator at Continental, got to know each other at a shopping center in Mexico long before their time at Continental, a deep friendship immediately developed. The two felt as closely connected to each other as if they’d known each other for a lifetime. They spent every free minute together and gave each other an insight into their own culture: Because Germans, as Marina learned, aren’t always serious and punctual, so they both abandoned the old stereotypes. This not only permanently changed their perspective on cultural differences, but also helped them focus on similarities. When Marina finally started work at Continental, Angelika – who went with her friend from the very first day – was immediately accepted into the Continental family by her colleagues. This not only helped her settle down far from her home and family, but also gave her a private look at our company. In the sixth episode of our Heartbeat Stories, you will find out how the friends ultimately became colleagues. A story about how Continental brings people together across borders, and encourages intercultural cooperation with an open attitude.